The Competition Act, 2002 mandates the Competition Commission of India (“CCI”) to regulate large sized mergers and acquisitions beyond high value thresholds (in terms of assets or turnovers) prescribed for “combinations” under the Competition Act, 2002 (“the Act”) to assess whether such transactions could adversely affect competition in the relevant markets, It is an exante process which requires a deep and forwardlooking economic analysis of the competition scenario likely to emerge post such proposed combination.
The legal position on whether internal restructurings within South African businesses require prior approval from the competition authorities has been uncertain for some time. In a welcome development, on 24 January 2025, the Competition Commission took steps to clarify this issue by publishing draft guidelines on internal restructurings.
1 r October, 2024(No. 26) ムシス バシリ / 金子 涼一 / パップワース チャールズ / 田村 允 1. 欧州委員会、排除型市場支配的地位の濫用に関するガイドライン案を 公表 本ガイドライン案の背景 EU の機能に関する条約(Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union、以下「EU 機能条約」) 102 条は、EU の域内市場で活動する事業者による市場支配的地位の濫用を禁止しています。 2024 年 8 月 1 日、欧州委員会は、EU 機能条約 102 条の排除型市場支配的地位の濫用 (exclusionary abuse)に関するガイドライン案(以下「本ガイドライン案」)を公表しました 1。本ガイドライン案 は 2024 年 10 月 31 日を期限とした意見公募(パブリックコメント)に付されています。 本ガイドライン案は、EU 機能条約 102 条の定める排除型市場支配的地位の濫用に関する EU 裁判所 の判例について、欧州委員会の理解を整理するものであり、欧州委員会は本ガイドライン案の公表により、 「法的安定性を高め、事業者が、自らの行為について、EU 機能条約 102 条の定める排除型市場支配的 地位の濫用に該当するか否かを自ら判断することに資する」ことを意図しています 2。
FEBRUARY 2024 2021934/89586498/1 UPDATE 2023’s most significant legal developments and what to look out for in 2024 Update prepared by Saniyé Tipirdamaz, Adrian Dobbyn, Eléonore Galleron, Mathieu Gangloff and Romain Bordage (Luxembourg) In 2023, in Luxembourg, we witnessed a number of significant legal developments in the areas of Banking & Finance, Restructuring & Insolvency, Corporate, Investment Funds and Tax. In 2024, new legislation which will impact upon businesses and their investment strategies are expected to be introduced.
El Tribunal Supremo, en su sentencia número 513/2024, de 17 de abril (Rec. 2443/2020) ("la Sentencia"), confirma la válida legitimación del recurrente declarado en concurso de acreedores con suspensión de facultades, en tanto la administración concursal omitió el deber de sustituirlo en el procedimiento en trámite.
In brief
A selection of newly announced legislation and court decisions reinterpreting private law.
Click here to read in Czech
Investors in the Australian market are more sophisticated than ever and – unsurprisingly – so too are the restructuring transactions being promoted by these investors. One such transaction is the credit bid. While not a transaction structure that is formally recognised in Australia, a credit bid is a valuable tool in a financier's playbook that can be implemented to achieve a return where the original financing is unable to be repaid in accordance with its terms.
Credit Bidding
In an eagerly-awaited and significant decision, the Supreme Court, in R (on the application of PACCAR Inc and others) v Competition Appeal Tribunal and others [2023] UKSC 28 (“PACCAR”), held, on 26 July 2023, that litigation funding agreements (“LFAs”) under which a litigation funder receives a percentage of any damages recovered by the claimant are damages-based agreements (“DBAs”) within the meaning of section 58AA of the Courts and Legal Services Act 190 (“CLSA”).
September, 2023 For Private Circulation - Educational & Informational Purpose Only A BRIEFING ON LEGAL MATTERS OF CURRENT INTEREST KEY HIGHLIGHTS * Bombay High Court: Secured creditor may initiate recovery proceedings against secured asset owned by guarantor even if principal borrower is placed under moratorium. ⁎ Calcutta High Court: Application for removal of arbitrator must be made before the same court as envisaged in Sections 2(i)(e) and 42 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
Indonesia Authors: Jeanne E. Donauw and Hans Adiputra Kurniawan 1. KPPU Regulation No. 3 of 2023 and Government Regulation No. 20 of 2023: New Merger Filing Regulation and Fees The Indonesian Business Competition Supervisory Commission – Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (“KPPU”) issued KPPU Regulation No. 3 of 2023 (“Reg 3 of 2023”) as a new merger filing regulation, replacing, and revoking the previous regulation on the same matter, namely KPPU Regulation No. 3 of 2019 (“Reg 3 of 2019”).